I pass through the mirror into an oneiric landscape: I walk under a green sky, on clouds lit by a billion stars beneath my feet
oneiric lives ~ terrestrial wanderers ~ chasing the dawn . #haiku
Oneiric is as oneiric.. melts the faces of time over washing lines into a metamorphosis of fish, strangeness and charm . #Dali
"Penchant" (taste for):
a cold wind blows from hell, and zombies with a penchant for beautiful thoughts are eating my brains . #cookery #eatingout
If this was the last day of your life, my friend - tell me, wouldn't you have a penchant for what each second brought you?
Oh hold me tight! Caress my penchant for you until passion's flame ignites, & we'll come to rest at last in love's afterglow.
penchant for living ~ savouring each breath he takes ~ condemned man's last hour . #haiku
"Flibbertigibbet" (flighty - especially a young woman):
flibbertigibbet ~ flighty there, but never here ~ butterfly life . #haiku
"Why, Mr Darcy, do you think me such a flibbertigibbet as unable to comprehend that we two inhabit a best-selling novel?"
"Brogue" (type of shoe; dialect):
Brogue - walk the talk?
"Fungible" (interchangeable):
human beings ~ stardust, golden, unique ~ never fungible . #haiku
"Languor" (languid, listless, dreamy):
"Parsimonious" (stingy, mean):
Yesternight we kissed ~ scents on the breeze of today ~ love's open window . #haiku
Guy walks into a bar and orders a Yesternight. Barman: "We don't open until 6PM yesterday evening - come back then"
Great to see all these. What fun it is! I wish I still had time to enter but I'm just about to announce the major project I'm starting.... I still quote a lot of these Artwiculate tweets, and 'Mr Bond' has become a regular joke.